Monday, 29 November 2010
Fáilte Romhat

Sunday, 28 November 2010
History Makers
Election of Sinn Féin's Pearse Doherty as TD for Donegal South-West
Blog report from Gerry Adams on the historic event over on Léargas
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Stop Climate Chaos
Sinn Féin MLA for south Belfast Alex Maskey will host a Seminar on global climate talks with MEP for the Six Counties Bairbre de Brún, James Orr from Friends of the Earth and Gary McFarlane from Stop Climate Chaos.
The Seminar will take place in the Wellington Park Hotel in Belfast City Centre on the 3rd December with registration between 11:00am-11:30am.
The event follows on from last years successful discussion prior to Bairbre’s participation in the Copenhagen Talks.
The theme of this years discussion is “United Nations Climate Talks – Prospects for Cancun and Beyond”.
Those wishing to take part are asked to RSVP Conor Keenan at Alex’s office on conor.keenan@sinn-fein.ie or on 02890243194
Monday, 15 November 2010
Margaret Ritchie and the Poppy

Thursday, 11 November 2010
Speaking in East Belfast & listening in Ravenhill

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to stay at last nights event as I had to shoot across town to a meeting between residents and Club Representatives in Ravenhill Rugby Ground.
Back to East Belfast though, the event was really well attended in comparison to last year and from looking around the hall it was clear there was a large amount of young people in attendance. It is good that east Belfast now has the opportunity to engage directly with elected representatives in such an open and positive way.
Long may it continue!

Over at Ravenhill I joined Alex Maskey MLA in speaking with some of the local residents who live next to the stadium as well as Club Officials regarding plans for development at the site.
No one wants to be negative but some residents don’t support all aspects of the development plans. Im sure club officials will try to accommodate on outstanding issues. Both Alex and I hope these issues can be resolved and we will follow up with club reps shortly.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Going forward
The activist base gathered selected me to stand for Sinn Féin in east Belfast at both the Council and Assembly elections next year.
I am very grateful to them for placing their trust and confidence in me and I look forward to the challenges ahead, not least retaking the Sinn Féin Council seat for Pottinger.
My nomination will now go the Ard Chomhairle for ratification at the weekend.
Tuesday morning saw Alex Maskey , Conor Murphy and Gerry Adams host a breakfast briefing for business figures from across the city. Alex, Conor and Gerry all took the opportunity to give them a rundown on our economic proposal paper, “There is a Better Way” as well as the work that Sinn Féin have been leading in the south of the city. To the fore of this has been Alex’s central role in attempting to resolve the outstanding problems in the Holyland area; to the mammoth work he has put in alongside Conor Murphy in projects such as traffic calming, residents parking schemes, flood prevention, the TUNNELS project in the Market area, meeting with traders on the Lisburn Road, unprecedented and unmatched engagement in working class loyalist areas like the Village and Donegal Pass, and the list goes on.
After an address from Gerry Adams there was suseful and I think positive question and answers discussion with the business people and the party leadership. I have no doubt this will be the first in a series of engagements with the business and SME sector as we move further on the road to trying to steer us all out of the current economic recession.
Tonight I intend on heading to ‘East Belfast Speaks Out’ along with the Sinn Féin panellist for the event; I blogged on the same event last year.
I look forward to an interesting debate.
Labharfaidh muid gan mhoil!
Monday, 8 November 2010
Táim ar ais
I intend to come back to the blog on a more regular basis once again.
Last week saw the Indian community celebrate the Diwali festival. Similar to the our own Celtic celebration of Samhain it was great to see so many at the Short Strand Community Centre last week taking part in the celebrations. There was a great mix of music, craic, food and dance, well done to everyone involved in making it such a success.
Regular readers of the blog will know how important the campaign for the closure, demolition and replacement with the social homes at Mountpottinger Barracks has been to the community in the Strand; thankfully work is currently underway inside the base to dismantle it and we will no doubt see real physical progress in the coming weeks. We must now ensure we keep the pressure on the DSD Minister to ensure the site is developed with Social, Family housing.
At the top of the Mount we succeeded in getting the Housing Executive to remove a number of unwanted (and many would say unnecessary)flowerbeds. Residents were concerned that the flowerbeds were simply being used a dumping spot and were becoming increasingly unsightly to look out their living room windows at. Haven spoken with residents along there, they are glad this work has taken place.
A number of us recently went to planning service objecting to a planning application for 32 apartments on a vacant site beside the shops at the opposite end of the Mountpottinger Road. You can read more on that issue here
Tonight Sinn Féin in east Belfast will hold their selection convention to choose who will go forward for the party in the upcoming elections. I will be sure to keep you all up to speed on that!
Beirigí Bua!
PS: And I forgot to tell you that after a long piece of work the NIE have completed work to remove the redundant electric substation at Strand Close. The facility has been removed after concerns that given its inactivity, it because used for graffitti and antisocial activity. The Short Strand Partnership are working with local residents in the hope that they can come up with ideas around what to do with the small, vacant piece of land. One idea has been to locate a piece of community art on the site to brighten the area.